On the inside, we are all wounded children.
We were never taught how to handle our pain.
When we were little, all we were asking for was attention, love, and belonging. But when we did not receive what we asked for, those around us did not know how to handle and respond to our reactions.
So when our emotional needs were not met
We began to feel forbidden emotions.
Fear, anger, jealousy, sadness, pain – all of these emotions were not given a place. And wherever we went as children, we were told to smile and be happy even that didn’t reflect how we were feeling on the inside. But we were children. We wanted to belong, we wanted to be loved, and we wanted to be good children – so we kept quiet.
As we grow...
We learned to be funny, or to be really smart, or pretty – we learned to hide the parts of ourselves that would make others uncomfortable, to hide everything that was less pleasant or less accepted by society. We learned to repress. And so began the constant, internal war against everything that is happening inside of us.
We give some parts of us a place to be, and other parts we would never show under any circumstance. We learned to walk through the world with a clear message ringing within us – I am only allowed to be half of who I am; a quarter of who I am.
But I am never allowed to be all of me.
There is darkness in the parts that we have unconsciously chosen to ignore – but there is just as much light as there is darkness.
These parts have many gifts for us and for the world.
And this inner voice that shakes our world, that creates pain in our lives, is just the cry of our inner child who is simply requesting to exist and to have permission to authentically and fully express themself. With everything that we hold inside of us.
We give some parts of us a place to be, and other parts we would never show under any circumstance.
We learned to walk through the world with a clear message ringing within us –
I am only allowed to be half of who I am; a quarter of who I am.
But I am never allowed to be all of me.
There is darkness in the parts that we have unconsciously chosen to ignore – but there is just as much light as there is darkness.
These parts have many gifts for us and for the world.
And this inner voice that shakes our world, that creates pain in our lives, is just the cry of our inner child who is simply requesting to exist and to have permission to authentically and fully express themself. With everything that we hold inside of us.
During inner child work, we sit with ourselves as we are, with all of our unique, individual traumas. We remain as an observer as we venture into the pain, into the dark, into the shadows.
This is how we create the deep inner anchor, the significant intimacy with ourselves that gives us the ability to clearly hear our needs and emotions, our desires and longings,
The ability to know with certainty that we are never alone…
A new beginning...
It is as if we are re-growing ourselves from new, turning our stories of childhood into stories of heroism, and looking inwards as a loving parent to the child within us. Once we allow ourselves to be fully present with this darkness and truly dive into its depths, we discover that there isn’t really a monster there. On the contrary – the monster is actually a little child who needs to be hugged and loved, listened to and watched over.
And all they want to know is that they are wonderful and good, just as they are. Think about children. They are essentially an infinite source of power, vitality, wonder, and wisdom. When we connect to our inner child, they become the compass that leads us through the world. Our inner child is our direct connection to the oldest form of intuition, our strongest way to access our inherent potential. When we are connected to our inner child, we can grow and flourish in any way we want.
When we become loving parents to the child within us, when we agree to be with them no matter what they experience – the real magic happens.